Fan Fest

Each fall, STRIVE sponsors Fan Fest, and this year it will be held on November 9. Fan Fest provides a free carnival to elementary students, a concession stand for hungry Trojan Fans, and a kick-off of the Winter Sports Season. The kick-off includes scrimmages played by our high school basketball players, a 3-point contest, a dunk contest (regulation and way below), and auctions of assorted items including the signed basketballs and coveted #1 Trojan Fan parking spot. All funds raised by the T-shirt sponsors, concession stand, and auction are donated to the Trojan Stores for elementary, middle, and high school, rewarding the positive behaviors of our Community R-VI Trojans. Last year, we raised $1,900 for the Trojan Stores!

Trojan gear order forms are due September 21. Cash or checks are accepted (please make checks payable to CR-VI STRIVE).